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Children's bilingual E-Book: The Forest Trap - Le Piège dans la Forêt


Guide Pédagogique Lessons4Kids


Formation Enseigner les Phonics aux enfants


Enseigner l'anglais - Formation Story-Reading


Flashcards Alphabet & Phonics in English


Bilingual flashcards Pets / Cartes de nomenclature bilingues Les Animaux Domestiques


Bilingual flashcards School Objects / Cartes de nomenclature bilingues Fournitures Scolaires


Bilingual flashcards Family / Cartes de nomenclature bilingues La Famille


Bilingual flashcards The Weather / Cartes de nomenclatures bilingues La Météo


Bilingual Flashcards Feelings / Cartes de nomenclature bilingues Les sentiments


Bilingual flashcards - The Forest Trap


Bilingual flashcards House Rooms, Objects & Furniture / Cartes de nomenclature bilingues Les objets et meubles de la Maison


French Seyes paper


Bilingual flashcards Zoo animals / Cartes de nomenclature bilingues Les Animaux de Zoo


Bilingual flashcards Spring & Summer Clothes / Cartes de nomenclature bilingues Vêtements Printemps & Ete

album jeunesse en anglais, anglais pour enfants, children's book

About Us

Welcome at Lessons & Books4Kids! I am Margot. I have been teaching English in France with passion for 25 years! Here I'm sharing with you educational resources (printables) for your kids or students and my very first children's picture book - The Forest Trap. I hope you'll have fun learning English with me.